Thursday, 5 March 2015

JMeter Quiz

Jmeter is used for

Is Jmeter open source software?

Jmeter is not used for

Jmeter does not support

BSF stands for

Select INVALID configuration element in Jmeter.

Jmeter can be used to test performance of

Stress testing is possible by Jmeter?

Select INVALID timer in Jmeter

Which assertion is not used in Jmeter?

Which is the assertion tests where each server response was received within a given amount of time?

Select Status Code for Page not Found Error

Logic Controllers determine

Select INVALID controller in Jmeter

Select controller which makes the user request run specified number of times

Select processor which executes some action before making Sampler Request.

Select testing which uses multiple systems to perform stress testing.

Jmeter supports all the OS supported by Java application

Timer which delays each user request for a random amount of time.

What is a component of Distributed Jmeter Test